About Me

I am a military wife. I married Richard, the love of my life, 28 years ago.
We have three children, Amanda who is married to Kevin. They have four boys. They are very busy!
Willem is in the Canadian Navy and lives in Victoria. He enjoys exploring beautiful BC on his days off ship. Our 24 year old baby boy, Kiefer is living at home with us, while he pays off his school debt and saves for travel. He has a degree in Business from the University of Winnipeg.
We have two Ragdoll cats (Jimmie is 10 and Miss Molly is 1 1/2) living with us. Well that's not true, we're living with them and we're their servants. Yes we're cats servants!  Ric is their nip dealer as he controls their catnip. They get a sniff daily. And me, well I'm the kitchen help. I make sure they have enough food and water. Ya gotta love them.
With Richard being in the service we moved every three years. I loved it but thinking it's time to settle down.
We have lived in all the Western Provinces, Ontario and Manitoba, twice, and did four years in Colorado. Ric and I have moved for the last time and have decided to make Winnipeg our home. WAHOO!
When we were in Winnipeg the first time round. Ric was being deployed to Afghanistan for the second tour and I had decided that I was going to learn how to make cards and to also take gourmet cooking lessons. Well put it this way...we're still eating Kraft Dinner!  LOL.

About five years ago we were posted to North Bay. So I did some homework and found out that there wasn't a Stampin' Up, demonstrator there. Yeah for me! So I took the plunge and signed up.
I won't lie, it was hard at first. The first year I was my best, okay, okay, my only customer. But I never gave up. I started doing craft fairs. Started getting myself out there. And then all hell broke loose. (For the best of course) It took about a year. I had two clubs going and full classes every month.  Our posting was to be three years but it ended up being four. I had such mixed emotions about leaving. We had a nice home, great hours at my day job (which worked well with my business) and  had a wonderful clientele. But, if I was wanting to live the life style that I had be a custom to we have to pack her up and move back. It was so hard to leave. But now that we're back in Winnipeg.  I'm ready to start over. I'm not giving up.  It's nose to the grind stone for me and it's starting to come...I'm here to stay!

So that's it, my Stampin' Up! story.
Thanks so much for stopping by.